Welcome to OkShayari app, in this app you will get very nice futures like shayari can be read in different languages,you can change the color of the shayari text, set different colors and images in the shayari background You can share shayari with different color and different background images with your friends and also upload your own shayari you also get emoji system in this app which you can use and it will help any After designing your shayari, you can download and keep it in the gallery of your phone, as well as you can add your shayari in the favorite list, you can use this app online and offline. and you can also upload your own shayari create your own profile.
App Future in OkShayari
Multiple shayari languages support
Multiple shayari categorys
Shayari edit system
Different background colour and images
Shayari shere with background colour and images
Enter emojis in own shayari
Multiple shayari text colour
Save shayari to Favourite List
Shayari download in our gallery
Shayari text font style
Shayari copy to clipboard
Publish your own shayari in OkShayari app
Show own shayari in all world
Favorite shayari edit system
Favorite sayari shere any place
Create your own profile
you can set your own language.
Shayari Languages:-
Hindi shayari
English shayari
Bengali shayari
Gujarati shayri
Marathi shayari
Tamil shayari
Telugu shayari
Urdu shayari
Punjabi shayari
Oriya shayari
You can choose Shayaris from the following categories
Shayari Categorys:-
Love shayari
Friendship shayari
Attitude shayari
Sad shayari
Birthday Shayari
Romantic shayari
Dard shayari
Life shayari
Motivation Shayari
Good morning shayari
Good night shayari
Thanks For Using OkShayari App